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The Eyes Are the Window to the Soul
By Ryan Coisson
Windows are a wonderful thing. I was recently in a little town out west started by pioneers. They was a replica of an original log dugout where they lived their first winter after leaving the east. The "house" was about eight by ten feet with a dirt floor, a dirt roof and two tiny beds. On one wall was a little cut out window which was covered in a heavy tarp all winter as to not let in the cold. I started thinking about windows and what a great invention they are. They allow light to shine through but bugs, people and cold to stay out. If you have been thinking about replacement windows in Joplin, or replacement windows in Springfield, MO now is the time to do it before winter comes blasting through. New windows give better light, clearer images, but best of all they are a wonderful economical investment. Old windows are drafty, letting in cold and heat, let out heat and cold and they also let in lots of outside noise and can be difficult to clean.
By Ryan Coisson
Windows are a wonderful thing. I was recently in a little town out west started by pioneers. They was a replica of an original log dugout where they lived their first winter after leaving the east. The "house" was about eight by ten feet with a dirt floor, a dirt roof and two tiny beds. On one wall was a little cut out window which was covered in a heavy tarp all winter as to not let in the cold. I started thinking about windows and what a great invention they are. They allow light to shine through but bugs, people and cold to stay out. If you have been thinking about replacement windows in Joplin, or replacement windows in Springfield, MO now is the time to do it before winter comes blasting through. New windows give better light, clearer images, but best of all they are a wonderful economical investment. Old windows are drafty, letting in cold and heat, let out heat and cold and they also let in lots of outside noise and can be difficult to clean.

New replacement windows in Joplin, Springfield or where ever you live will brighten up your home, add curb appeal, quiet the neighbors dog, save you money and keep out the cold and heat, and keep in the wanted heat and cold. A dual system that works great. We have come a long way since dirt dug out cabins and tarps, we have wonderful windows that let in the light, the sights but not the noise of the children, dogs and neighbors when they mow their lawn.

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