Window Sashes

Window Sashes
Window Sashes

A sash window is basically a frame with hollow sides. Inside these sides are weights which are attached via cords or chains, through pulleys, to the sashes. In normal operation, the sashes move up and down and are counterbalanced by the weights via the pulleys.

Window Sashes

The sashes are fitted from inside. Upper sash first, then, a parting bead which fits between the sashes and sits in a groove in the side of the frame. Then, the lower sash fits in and finally staff bead is fitted to the inside. As the upper sash moves up and down it is held in place by the outside face of the frame and the parting bead. The lower sash is held in place by the parting bead and the staff beads.

Window Sashes

Window Sashes

Window Sashes

Window Sashes

Window Sashes

Window Sashes
Window Sashes

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