Wood Window Frame

Wood Window Frame
Wood Window Frame

Wood frame offers superior architectural elements for any residence. There has been a big push in recent years to improve the old windows and doors with more energy efficient model, especially with the cheap vinyl windows, but in many cases - and especially in historic buildings - replacing is not an option. Wood needs to be repainted regularly to keep them looking good, and also to protect the window trim and door jambs from rotting over time. If you see exposed wood on your building's windows and doors, know they are dying a slow death to the elements.

Wood Window Frame

Do not think that the use of the window frame is limited to the room. You can also use it in your garden by turning it into a window box. To make a window box, you must build a box the same size as your frame and paint them the same. Although you can use a clean white background, it might be fun to use brilliant colors that complement the flowers you plan to put the incoming Remember to drill holes for drainage and use a screw that is strong enough when your computer to attach a fence, porch, or where have you decided to put it down.

Wood Window Frame

Wood Window Frame

Wood Window Frame

Wood Window Frame

Wood Window Frame

Wood Window Frame
Wood Window Frame

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! this is such an informative post. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!

    - The historic wood window ma


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