Curtain Wall House

Cute Shower Curtains
Curtain Wall House

Curtain Wall House was made by Japanase architect Shigeru Ban to interpret this term literally, poetically employing an actual curtain as facade wall. The house is situated on an constricted intersection in itabashi-ku, tokyo, consists of an elegantly spare two-floor block of open living spaces sandwiched between a large, overhanging triangular roof and deck that extend almost to the curb line. Behind the curtain, a set of sliding glass wall panels works with the curtain to create a completely insulated and private interior. The curtain as architectural element refers back to traditional Japanese design elements such as shoji and sudare screens, and fusuma doors common within the traditional Japanese house. The concept is interesting, but without any use, and that withe curtain will be grey, to black in a few days cause of pollution, especially in a city like Tokyo.

Cute Shower Curtains

Cute Shower Curtains
Curtain Wall House

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